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Micro-Waste Corporation® Installs MDS-2481 at Second Commercial Clinical Waste Treatment Facility in Southeast Asia

Micro-Waste Corporation® Installs MDS-2481 at Commercial Clinical Waste Treatment Facility in Southeast Asia

Micro-Waste Corporation® Installs MDS-2481 at Commercial Biohazardous Waste Treatment Facility in Africa

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Commercial Biohazardous Waste Treatment Facility

Republic of South Africa

A new commercial medical waste treatment facility serving South Africa installed a Micro-Waste® Disinfection System (MDS®) Treatment System,, Model MDS-2481. The system provides the capability for treatment of regulated medical waste, termed health care risk waste in South Africa, for healthcare facilities and in support of third-party contract medical waste transportation companies throughout South Africa. This facility processes thousands of kilograms daily and hundreds of thousands of kilograms annually of health care risk waste daily in the most sustainable manner available.

At the grand opening of the facility, the South African Member of the Executive Council (MEC) for Economic Development and Tourism touted highly the installation of the MDS-2481 at the facility as a significant contributor by "blazing a new path in our quest to create an economy that is not only growing but which is built around the pillars of sustainability...through which sustainable jobs can be created for local people..."


MDS-2481 Installed in the Waste Treatment Facility



Biohazardous Waste Delivered by Third-Party Waste Transporters and Registered into Facility



MDS-2481 Used to Treat the Biohazardous Waste



MDS® Discharges the Treated Waste Through Building Wall to a Dedicated Waste Compactor


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